How to collect prepare and post

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    1. Collect either Sunday or Monday in preparation for postage before 5pm Monday
    2. Label a small plastic bag (such as a small ziplock bag) with animal name that you would like referenced on the fecal worm egg count report
    3. Collect ¼ to ½ cup of fresh manure (from yard, stable, or paddock) in the labelled plastic bag (manure is preferably warm upon collection to ensure it is fresh).
    4. Roll/press/squeeze excess air from sample bag.
    5. Place sample(s) in a second bag so that the manure does not leak during postage if the first bag has any holes or leaks
    6. Complete the online FWEC form including payment at
    7. Post via standard postage before 5pm Monday (this will help ensure delivery by Friday that same week)

    Post to Equus Health, PO Box 392, Whittlesea 3757

    1. Alternative to postage, hand delivery on Saturdays (to Whittlesea location) can be made through prior arrangement. Please contact via Facebook messenger (@equus equitation), or email